Title : The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese (Kyuuso wa Cheese no Yumewomiru)
Mangaka : Mizushiro Setona
Genre : Drama, Josei, Yaoi
Length : 1 Volume (Completed)
Scanlator : Essence of Purity, PresenceDear
Synopsis : from baka-updates
Kyouichi's indecisive character has led him to repeatedly commit the foolish mistake of adultery. One day, Imagase, a college classmate he hasn't seen since graduation, shows up as the private detective hired by his wife to investigate his infidelity. Imagase, however, proposes a deal. He won't tell Kyouichi's wife about his affairs, but, for compensation, he makes an unbelievable demand: "I want your body in exchange..."
In the second edition, there is an extra chapter.
Related Series : The Carp on the Chopping Block Jumps Twice (sequel)
ch.1 - ch.5 || 2nd edition extra(end)
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