The Raphael used to be one of the most famous bands, Visual Kei, but unfortunately, they are unknown to most "new" fans of Visual Kei.
The band chose its name in honor of the healing angel Raphael, and "angels" is also one of the concepts of the band.
With songs typically Visual Kei, The songs are great Raphael's compositions characterized by the amazing voice of the singer.

Lilac [07.04.1998]
01. Shinnagoigu zenzo kyokui tanch
02. Imitation White
03. Sacrifice
04. Eternal wish ~todokame kimi e~
05. Ninguen Fushin
06. Madosuki no yume (live)

Sick ~XXX Kanja no Karute~ [20.02.1999]
01. Synagogue Zensoukyoku ~ Daini Gaku ~ O Tanchyou
02. Shoujou 1 ~ Ketsupeki Shou
03. Shoujou 2 ~ Bunretsu Shou
04. Shoujou 3 ~ XXX Shou

White love story [20.02.1999]
01. White love story

Sweet Romance (single) - 29/04/1999
01. Sweet Romance
02. Follow you

Yume Yori Sutekina (single) - 29/04/1999
01. Yume Yori Sutekina

Promise [20.11.1999]
01. Promise
02. Cadenza
03. Promise (instrumental)

Mind soap [01/12/1999]
01. Synagogue zensoukyoku dai 3 gakushou ~hen ~
02. Sakura
03. Sayokyoku ~hisô~
04. Hana saku inochi aru kagiri
05. Peter Pan shoukou gun
06. Promise
07. Hunckleberry no koi
08. Eternal Wish ~todokame kimi e~
09. Holy mission
10. Gin'yuu shi no namida
11. Boku to Boku

Lost Graduation [20.02.2000]
01. Lost Graduation
02. Holy mission
03. Lost Graduation (Instrumental)
04. Holy mission (Instrumental)

Evergreen [23.08.2000]
01. Evergreen
02. Gebet ~Inori~
03. Evergreen (Instrumental)

Fumetsuka [21.02.2001]
01. Eternal Wish ~todokame kimi e~
02. Promise
03. Fumetsuka
04. Lost Graduation
05. Yume Yori Sutekina
06. Syouzyou3 Batsubasu Syou
07. Hana Saku Inochi Aku Kagiri
08. Syouyakyoku~Hisou
09. Ginyuusi no Namida
10. Teenage ~ Graduation
11. Evergreen
12. Akikaze no Rhapsody
13. Touch!

Raphael complete singles [01.08.2001]
01. White love story
02. Yume Yori Sutekina
03. Sweet Romance
04. follow you
05. Hana Saku Inochi Aku Kagiri
06. [...] ~Aru Kisetsu No Chinkonka~
07. Eternal Wish ~Todokanu Kimi E~
08. Madogiwa No Yume
09. Promise
10. Cadenza
11. Lost Graduation
12. Evergreen
13. Gebet
14. Akikaze no Rhapsody
15. Fumetsuka
(Por algum motivo bizarro as faixas #2 e #3 não estão no CD)
Last live - [21.09.2001]
01. follow you
02. Aru Kisetsu no Requiem
03. Imitation White
04. Sacrifice
05. Promise
06. Eternal Wish ~Todokame Kimi e~
07. Shoujou 1 ~ Keppeki Shou
08. Ningen Fushin
09. Shoujou 2 ~ Kukubunretsu Shou
10. Shoujou 3 ~ XXX Shou
11. Sweet Romance
12. 49
13. Yumeboken
14. Touch!
15. Yume Yori Sutekina
16. Lost Graduation
17. Hana Saku Inochi Aru Kagiri
Sotsugyou ~ Graduation [23.03.2000]
01. Ryutachi ~Prologue~
02. Lost Graduation
03. Teenage Sotsugyou
04. Lost Graduation (Silent Version)
05. Ryutachi ~Epilogue~
thanks banget nih.... udah nyari2 lagu raphael ke mana2 akhirnya ketemu yang komplit :D